It is mandatory for all the Authors to register their Copyright and using ‘copyright symbol’ in the Book. The international copyright and intellectual property rights organisation has laid out few of the following points in order to curb any kind of malpractices or illegal activities or confusion. It has made mandatory for all Publishers to use ISBN (with bar code) at the back of the Book and also to apply for copyright in the international copyright and intellectual property rights organisation, before the book (or any published work) is published or after the book (or any other published work) is published Internationally in different countries (Note** – If a Book is Published in only one country that countries law will only be applicable). When it is Published Internationally with ISBN, it becomes mandatory to apply for Copyright certificate and furnish all the relevant documents. When an Author gets or claim Royalty against a book is published, he has to furnish the certified copyright number (written in four boxes) and the publisher, giving any Royalty has to mandatorily, report the same to the organization.
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